A thousand words

Niagara Falls


I’ve been to Niagara Falls twice and still find it fascinating.  The amount of water flowing over the edge every second is mind boggling.  The sound of the roaring water is relaxing.  And there is always a different place to view the falls.  Here is  a collection of photos I took during my visit at Niagara Falls.


Night falls


Seeing the places I visited at night was really neat when I got the opportunity.  Often I was flying to my next destination, or settling down to get some rest for the next day and didn’t get see the night life.  Here are a few pictures I took at night.

Chicago, Illinois Photo

Brick buildings


Brick buildings can represent many things, just on the outside.  A building that has been around for many years. The craftsmanship of the builder who laid each brick accurately enough to form a whole building.  The parallel and perpendicular lines that run between the bricks.  Here are a few brick buildings I saw around the country.

Richmond, Virginia Photo



Tiles are used for all different parts of the world around us.  From walls to floors to doorway trim, our world is filled with patterned tiles like the ones below.  Some are natural, others are man-made.  But each one was laid by a skilled person.

Newark, New Jersey Photo

A rocky situation


One of the neat parts of visiting the northeast was the coastline with all the rocks.  Yes, the west coast has rocks too, but the way these looked made them fascinating.  Here are a few photos of the rocky coastline and rivers in the northeast.

Portland, Maine Photo