Utah State Capitol

The twelfth State Capitol I visited was in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was designed by Richard K. A. Kletting in 1912 and completed in 1916.


Under the rotunda are four allegorical niche sculptures to illustrateimportantvalues and ideals fundamental to Utah’s culture. The 11-foot bronzes employtwo figures, an adult and a youth.

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The interior of the dome is 165 feet high with a 95-foot chain holding a luxurious chandelier.


At each end of the vaulted atrium are murals that captured scenes of Utah’s pioneer heritage.

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The House of Representatives consists of 75 members, each representing about 30,000 people, elected every two years.

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The Senate consists of 29 members, each representing about 80,000 people, elected every four years.


The State Reception Room is used for important state functions. It is nicknamed the Gold Room for its lavish furnishings.

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The Supreme Court is made up of five justices appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. This historic courtroom is used for oral arguments in February and for ceremonial functions. Other business is conducted in the Courthouse downtown.


There is also a replica of the Liberty Bell.


In 2004, the Capitol was renovated with 265 base isolators, each weighing 5,000 pounds. The building can move with and absorb seismic activity.